Important notice: we will respond to all open ticket requests up until November the 1st. After this date, we will be unable to process the ticket requests here on Ticksy.


Icons Are Not Showing, Or Displaying Like Squares and Strange Characters

Please try to follow the instructions from this link in order to solve these errors:

These instructions work for all browsers and icon packs.

Basically, just adding one module in your .htaccess file

# Allow access from all domains for webfonts.
# Alternatively you could only whitelist your
# subdomains like "".
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
  <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|font.css|css)$">
   Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

should be helpful to fix this issue.

Most of the users were able to solve this cross-origin problem with the solution from that article, but if that does not work for you, you will need to contact your server provider and ask them to fix cross-origin issue, as it is server oriented.