Borderland - A Daring Multi-Concept Theme

Visual Composer is not working?

If Visual Composer won't load in the back end when you try to edit some page, please first make sure that you are using latest theme version with latest Visual Composer. 

If this is not the case and you have following problems when accessing site or editing pages:

- Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED - customlibEditGallery java script error in the console when you open developer tools in Google Chrome - not found 404 page is displayed when editing pages

- Uncaught TypeError: $(...).wpColorPicker is not a function

which was confirmed several times with GoDaddy hosting plans and also with few SiteGround hosting users, and problem is hosting related and it is due to mod_security check when some robust and feature rich themes from Theme Forest is used:


Add following module to WordPress .htaccess file: 

SubstituteMaxLineLength 10m

...after the # END WordPress:

...and try editing pages. If the problem persists, replace that line of code with the following code: 

#WPBakery Timeout fixer - .htaccess

SubstituteMaxLineLength 10M
LimitRequestBody 9999999 seen here:

After that try to edit pages again. 

Everything should be working fine after this change.