Important notice: we will respond to all open ticket requests up until November the 1st. After this date, we will be unable to process the ticket requests here on Ticksy.

  Public Ticket #1452898
Miscellaneous questions


  • Greg Watkins started the conversation

    I've been developing a new site for my client and I've saved up a few questions so I can submit all at once. 

    1. Can the sticky menu nav be right justified?

    2. On the homepage (listed at related url) can the View Our Menu's button in hero image area have a white border on mouseover?

    3. Can the top bar with phone and address be disabled in mobile view? It wraps down the page when viewing in mobile.

    4. Can the background hero images be hidden in mobile view?

    5. Can the title area that sits on top of hero images be styled? I'd like to ad some dropshow effects in case the title text sits on a part of an image that makes it hard to read.

    6. When the menu's go to mobile view all the categories are listed first and then the actual menu items. Is there a way to put the menu items directly under each category when in mobile view but keep as is when on desktop/laptop view. Example page is

    That's it for now. Thanks.


  •   Elated replied privately
  • Greg Watkins replied

    Hi and thanks for getting back to me. 

    #1 worked great. Thanks.

    #2 didn't work. The border of the button is blue. I cleared all cache.

    #3 didn't work. On a mobile device the very top bar with phone, email, and address still shows.

    #4 - If I hide the background image then the image is gone on all device types. I was wondering if the background image in the title area could just be hidden in mobile view. Number 5 would make this mute as ideally I'd like to keep the image and add a dropshadow to the text.

    #5 - On the Breakfast page ( the Breakfast Menu title becomes hard to see when the viewing on mobile devices. I was hoping I could add a drop shadow to the title area text so if that text appears on top of a white part of the background image you'll still be able to see the text. This same process does happen currently on the homepage slider area as I was able to add a dropshadow css to the slider text. I can't seem to find that anywhere on the Elated titles.

    #6 - A bummer, but OK. It's a real usability issue when on a mobile device to have to scroll through all the menu section names first before seeing the actual menu items for each section.

    Thanks for your help!


  •  1,845
    Elated replied


    Sorry for late response. We had a few days off because of the national holiday.

    2. You can try to add this css underneath in Elated Options >> General >> Custom CSS field:

    .eltd-st-loader .pulse_circles .ball, .eltd-portfolio-list-holder article .eltd-item-icons-holder a, .eltd-pagination ul>a, .eltd-pagination ul>span, .eltd-pagination ul li>a:hover, .eltd-pagination ul li>span:hover, .slick-slider.slick-initialized .slick-dots .slick-active, .search-no-results .eltd-search-form input[type=text]:focus, .eltd-testimonials .owl-controls .owl-dots .owl-dot span, .eltd-accordion-holder .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-active .eltd-accordion-mark, .eltd-accordion-holder .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-hover .eltd-accordion-mark, .eltd-accordion-holder.eltd-boxed .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-active, .eltd-accordion-holder.eltd-boxed .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-hover, .eltd-accordion-holder.eltd-boxed.light .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-active, .eltd-accordion-holder.eltd-boxed.light .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-hover, .eltd-accordion-holder.eltd-boxed.dark .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-active, .eltd-accordion-holder.eltd-boxed.dark .eltd-title-holder.ui-state-hover, .eltd-blog-carousel-holder .eltd-blog-carousel-wrapper.owl-carousel .owl-dots .owl-dot span, .eltd-btn.eltd-btn-outline, .eltd-btn .eltd-btn-hover-overlay, .eltd-carousel-holder .eltd-carousel.owl-carousel .owl-dots .owl-dot span, .eltd-image-gallery .owl-controls .owl-dots .owl-dot span, .eltd-video-button-play, .eltd-video-button-play:hover, .eltd-portfolio-slider-holder .eltd-portfolio-list-holder.owl-carousel .owl-dots .owl-dot span, .eltd-rf-holder .eltd-btn:hover, .eltd-product .eltd-product-add-to-cart-holder .added_to_cart, .carousel .carousel-indicators:not(.thumbnails) li, .eltd-dark-header .carousel .carousel-indicators:not(.thumbnails) li, .eltd-single-links-pages .eltd-single-links-pages-inner>span:hover, .eltd-single-links-pages a:hover, .eltd-sidebar #lang_sel, .wpb_widgetised_column #lang_sel, .eltd-footer-inner #lang_sel, .eltd-side-menu #lang_sel, .eltd-woocommerce-page input[type=text]:focus, .eltd-woocommerce-page input[type=email]:focus, .eltd-woocommerce-page input[type=tel]:focus, .eltd-woocommerce-page input[type=password]:focus, .eltd-woocommerce-page textarea:focus, .eltd-single-product-summary #reviews .comment-form input.submit, .eltd-single-product-summary #reviews .comment-form textarea.submit, .eltd-woocommerce-page .checkout_coupon .button, .eltd-woocommerce-page .product .added_to_cart, .widget_price_filter button, .widget_shopping_cart .buttons a, .woocommerce .product .added_to_cart, .woocommerce-account input[type=submit], .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li>a.current, .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li>a:hover, .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li>span.current, .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li>span:hover, .eltd-woocommerce-page .woocommerce-checkout-payment input[type=submit]:hover, .eltd-progress-bar .eltd-progress-number-wrapper.eltd-floating .eltd-down-arrow, .eltd-product-list-holder.eltd-product-list-with-filter .eltd-product-list-filter span {

    3. You can try to add this css underneath in Elated Options >> General >> Custom CSS field:

    @media only screen and (max-width:768px) {
    .eltd-position-left {

    4. If you want to  hide Title area on mobile view, you can try to achieve it with this css below:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .eltd-title {
        display: none;

    5. Unfortunately, there is no predefined option for that. 

    6. I’ll add this suggestion to our dev list for potential new features and suggestions. Thanks for understanding.

    The Elated Support Center has been moved to our centralized support platform. 

    Please note that any existing tickets prior to this change will be answered right here on Ticksy, and in due time. 

    If you wish to submit a new support request, for all new inquiries please head on to our Help Center.

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