Important notice: we will respond to all open ticket requests up until November the 1st. After this date, we will be unable to process the ticket requests here on Ticksy.

  Public Ticket #697987
More button


  • Sverre started the conversation

    Hi! Where do I change the text "More" on a blog post button?



  •  1,845
    Elated replied

    Hi Sverre,

    This is label within our theme... And you can translate/edit labels if you generate new .po and .mo files...

    Under parent theme folder/languages there is pot file and with this file you could generate .po and .mo files.
    Please, follow this article for that

    The Elated Support Center has been moved to our centralized support platform. 

    Please note that any existing tickets prior to this change will be answered right here on Ticksy, and in due time. 

    If you wish to submit a new support request, for all new inquiries please head on to our Help Center.

    Elated Themes is part of Qode Interactive – the home of 300+ premium WordPress themes.

    Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and be the first to find out all the latest news.

  • Sverre replied

    Yes, after a good while looking for where to put the .mo and .po files, I find the right path. Thanks!

  •  1,845
    Elated replied

    You're welcome Sverre. Glad you've solved this issue :)

    Hope our assistance was helpful.

    The Elated Support Center has been moved to our centralized support platform. 

    Please note that any existing tickets prior to this change will be answered right here on Ticksy, and in due time. 

    If you wish to submit a new support request, for all new inquiries please head on to our Help Center.

    Elated Themes is part of Qode Interactive – the home of 300+ premium WordPress themes.

    Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and be the first to find out all the latest news.