Important notice: we will respond to all open ticket requests up until November the 1st. After this date, we will be unable to process the ticket requests here on Ticksy.

  Public Ticket #738953


  • Federica started the conversation


    Since I installed the latest WP Version I can't see my slides anymore and visual composer doesn't work.
    I saw that you have release the new update for this theme, I made the update but it still the 1.1 version so nothing is working!

    Now I've been forced to install my old theme....
    I purchased this template two weeks ago and since I bought it I have so many problems on my blog : bugs, loading time too long (more than 30 secs)...  I never had this with my olds templates.

    I regret I have bought this template :(

    Hope you can help as soon as possible.

    Thank you!

  •  1,845
    Elated replied

    Hi Federica,

    The thing is that WP has changed jQuery library shipped with latest 4.5 release which is causing hickups to themes and plugins.

    Please upgrade theme and also upgrade bundled plugins to latest version which is compatible with WP 4.5. To do so make sure to download latest theme version from Theme Forest downloads page and perform upgrade process. You can update your theme by performing the following steps:

     - Download the latest allure zip file from ThemeForest
     - Extract it and locate
     - Extract and locate the 'allure' folder
     - Copy/Replace the contents of the 'allure' folder to the /wp-content/themes/allure folder of your web site.

    Next, if you have running any third party plugin that is handling cache on your site/server, please disable them temporary and make sure to clear cache. At last, you need to upgrade 

    bundled plugins as well by performing the following steps:

    - Deactivate all bundled plugins
    - Delete all bundled plugins
    - Navigate to Appearance > Install plugins and install new versions of them

    The Elated Support Center has been moved to our centralized support platform. 

    Please note that any existing tickets prior to this change will be answered right here on Ticksy, and in due time. 

    If you wish to submit a new support request, for all new inquiries please head on to our Help Center.

    Elated Themes is part of Qode Interactive – the home of 300+ premium WordPress themes.

    Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and be the first to find out all the latest news.

  • Federica replied

    Ok thank you, it works. 

    I had to delete all the theme and the Visual Composer to download the new versions.
    Fortunately all the settings where saved so I didn't have to start from the beginning.

    The only thing is that the load time still too long... If you can help me with that.

    Thank you!

  •  1,845
    Elated replied

    Hi Federica,

    Thanks for the update... All settings, custom css, and content is stored in database, so you can just follow standard update procedure and none of the content will be lost.

    Here are some general tips for speeding up your website, and please note, you can't minimize files like js.php and css.php, because they are dynamically created.

    1) You can check how to optimize your website here: (in this part, minimization of those files will be mentioned):

    2) Optimize your images with some tool:

    3) Also you can install some plugin for cache, like WP Super Cache:

    4) You can enable gzip compression on your server. You should paste this code to .htaccess file located in your folder:
    <ifModule mod_gzip.c>
    mod_gzip_on Yes
    mod_gzip_dechunk Yes
    mod_gzip_item_include file .(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$
    mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script$
    mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.*
    mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript.*
    mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.*
    mod_gzip_item_exclude rspheader ^Content-Encoding:.*gzip.*

    5) Leverage browser caching:

    Important: We suggest you not to install any caching tool before you finish with your website modifications, because this sometimes could cause the problem. So we thought that you don't have to be obsessed with your website speed before you finish with its modifications.

    The Elated Support Center has been moved to our centralized support platform. 

    Please note that any existing tickets prior to this change will be answered right here on Ticksy, and in due time. 

    If you wish to submit a new support request, for all new inquiries please head on to our Help Center.

    Elated Themes is part of Qode Interactive – the home of 300+ premium WordPress themes.

    Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and be the first to find out all the latest news.